Race and classic pictures

Mercedes boys set sail with INEOS Britannia

On Wednesday in Barcelona, Lewis Hamilton, George Russell, and Toto Wolff got a thrilling taste of life on the waves aboard an America’s Cup challenger.

Under the guidance of legendary British sailor Sir Ben Ainslie and INEOS CEO Sir Jim Ratcliffe, the trio explored INEOS Britannia's AC75 facilities before hitting the water on the stunning competitive ship.

George took the helm of ‘Britannia’ while Toto joined the team of cycling sailors, known as cyclors, who power the boat using on-board bikes.

"What an incredible experience!” Russell exclaimed.

“To sail with Sir Ben and truly feel the speed and maneuverability of the INEOS Britannia AC75 Race Boat was amazing.

“It felt like we were floating through the air; it definitely got the blood pumping!

“There are many similarities between F1 and the America's Cup. Both are the pinnacle of their respective sports, where technical innovation is vital.

“The dedication and effort of the whole INEOS Britannia team was also clear to see, and I can't wait to watch them compete later in the year.”

Back on dry land, Toto Wolff was ready to brief Mercedes’ engineering team on adding a mast and sails to the Brackley squad’s F1 silver arrow!

Phillip van Osten

Motor racing was a backdrop from the outset in Phillip van Osten's life. Born in Southern California, Phillip grew up with the sights and sounds of fast cars thanks to his father, Dick van Osten, an editor and writer for Auto Speed and Sport and Motor Trend. Phillip's passion for racing grew even more when his family moved to Europe and he became acquainted with the extraordinary world of Grand Prix racing. He was an early contributor to the monthly French F1i Magazine, often providing a historic or business perspective on Formula 1's affairs. In 2012, he co-authored along with fellow journalist Pierre Van Vliet the English-language adaptation of a limited edition book devoted to the great Belgian driver Jacky Ickx. He also authored "The American Legacy in Formula 1", a book which recounts the trials and tribulations of American drivers in Grand Prix racing. Phillip is also a commentator for Belgian broadcaster Be.TV for the US Indycar series.

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