Race and classic pictures

Sir Jackie officially opens the Tyrrell Shed at Goodwood


Goodwood’s traditional Revival Meeting is a ‘magical step back in time’, but never was this truer than on Sunday during the official opening of the Tyrrell Shed, a relic from a bygone era where legends were born.

Once the beating heart of the Tyrrell F1 team, the unassuming structure’s preservation and remarkable move, piece by piece, from its original home in Okham Village, Surrey to Hurricane Law at Goodwood Circuit has been well chronicled.

It took longer than many hoped, and it was a challenge for all involved but last weekend marked the final episode of the Tyrrell Shed’s own revival.

To celebrate the occasion, Sir Jackie was of course on hand surrounded by fellow Tyrrell alumni Martin Brundle, several of the Flying Scot’s former mechanics and of course the Duke of Richmond, whose efforts were instrumental in bringing the shed to Goodwood.


“Your Grace, without you this would not be happening,” said an immensely grateful Sir Jackie.

“Ken Tyrrell was unique, a wonderful man. I don’t believe in the history of motorsport there’s been one unit that’s been extended each year as much. I started here in Formula 3 and stayed with Ken until I retired from motor racing. This hut is responsible for all of that.

“I just want to say finally, thank you to His Grace. He’s got something here that exists nowhere else in the world. The mechanics I’m looking at now, I’m sorry I’m so late.

Thank you Sir, thank you, all of you, to see this wonderful place, this wonderful thing, that gave Britain another look at how things could be done. And Ken Tyrrell was the man who did it.”

Phillip van Osten

Motor racing was a backdrop from the outset in Phillip van Osten's life. Born in Southern California, Phillip grew up with the sights and sounds of fast cars thanks to his father, Dick van Osten, an editor and writer for Auto Speed and Sport and Motor Trend. Phillip's passion for racing grew even more when his family moved to Europe and he became acquainted with the extraordinary world of Grand Prix racing. He was an early contributor to the monthly French F1i Magazine, often providing a historic or business perspective on Formula 1's affairs. In 2012, he co-authored along with fellow journalist Pierre Van Vliet the English-language adaptation of a limited edition book devoted to the great Belgian driver Jacky Ickx. He also authored "The American Legacy in Formula 1", a book which recounts the trials and tribulations of American drivers in Grand Prix racing. Phillip is also a commentator for Belgian broadcaster Be.TV for the US Indycar series.

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