Starting afresh… with an attitude

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Seven-time F1 world champion Lewis Hamilton celebrates his 38th birthday on this day and to illustrate the event we've chosen a picture of the Briton striking a rather irreverent pose.

The Mercedes driver's salute is both a send-off to a dismal 2022 season – by Hamilton's standards – and a shrug to those who believe that his best days are now behind him.

Dismiss Hamilton at your own risk. Sure, expectations have shifted, even he would admit to as much. And there's no denying that with each passing year, Hamilton is drifting closer to the end of his career as a Grand Prix driver.

But starting a new trip around the sun with an attitude is, without a doubt, the mark of a fighter and of a great champion.

By all measures, Hamilton has already achieved greatness in his lifetime, but as a top-end fierce competitor, there's always more greatness to achieve, for the sake of his passion and the sport.

Happy Birthday Sir Lewis!