Vasseur: Monaco win ‘a weight lifted and a step forward’ for Leclerc

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Ferrari team boss Fred Vasseur believes that Charles Leclerc’s long-awaited victory in his home race at Monaco is a turning point for the Monegasque, one that will boost his confidence in the future.

The pressure cooker of expectations finally blew its lid in the Principality on Sunday.

Burdened for years by the weight of a race win in Monaco eluding him, Leclerc delivered a dominant performance to finally conquer his home turf.

The local hero was in a league of his own in qualifying yet again, but this time, he duly converted pole position into a well-deserved victory, navigating the event’s early disruption and restart with calm and composure.

Vasseur reckons that his driver’s milestone achievement has significant implications, not just for Leclerc’s championship aspirations but also for his overall confidence and development.

“First you will stop to ask him each year what will happen next year, what will happen this week, blah blah blah, ” Vasseur said. “This is over now, it’s behind us.

“I think it was an important one that he had a kind of weight on the shoulders for years now about the win in Monaco.

“About sometimes he did small mistakes like F2, sometimes he was unlucky like F1 with me at Alfa Romeo when we had a brake failure and at the end he was not in doubt.

“But he was a bit under pressure with this, but it’s not just about Monaco.

“I think probably for his own self-confidence and for the approach that he has of all the other events, Charles will do a step forward for sure.”

Vasseur highlighted the importance of a driver increasing his winning experience which helps build the solid mentality required to manage pressure and setbacks more effectively. In short, winners breed winners.

“I think one of the characteristics of the winners is also that they are used to win at one stage and they have the confidence to manage the situation,” he explained.

“Even when something happens they have the self-confidence, it’s okay, that I will manage it next time.

“When you are in doubt, it’s a big difference and I think from this one, you will do a step forward for sure.

“I think this one will help him a lot, for sure, in terms of confidence.”

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