Leclerc joins the FIA's #3500LIVES campaign for road safety

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He's a hot property in Formula 1 but away from the track Ferrari's Charles Leclerc has joined the FIA's #3500LIVES campaign that aims to keep pedestrians safe.

The stats collected by the FIA draw a grim picture of safety on the public roads, with 3,500 people killed every single day as a result of accidents involving drivers, passengers or pedestrians.

Charles Leclerc has joined HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco as an Ambassador helping to promote safety on the public roads.

"I think it’s important for all of us to support causes that can improve or even save lives," said Leclerc.

"This applies especially to anyone who is fortunate enough to have a voice in the media and is able to spread important messages on a global scale.

"Road safety is a series issue that unfortunately causes a lot of despair in the world.

"The #3500LIVES campaign can make a great impact at international level and works towards saving the lives of innocent people.

"It is a cause that I am very happy and proud to have the opportunity to support."

Leclerc's mercurial rise through the sport's ranks started in karting, motorsport's most fertile breeding ground. And the 21-year-old Scuderia charger believes the younger generation can learn a lot from karting and its positive effects on driving habits.

"There are certainly things that children can learn from karting, such as respecting rules which are designed to ensure that driving is safe for all participants," he added.

"It is a good way for them to learn how to drive responsibly on the road too and teaches them that they must respect those around them, whether they are fellow drivers or pedestrians."

As a star in the making in Formula 1, Leclerc insists he'll always try to put his role model status to good use.

"Participating in public events and having frequent contact with the media is not just part of our jobs," said the Monegasque.

"It also gives us the opportunity to discuss important topics with opinion leaders, journalists and fans.

"It is a way in which we can use our platforms to make changes and I think that it is important to seize each opportunity we have to leave a positive impact on our society."

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