Marko: New evidence will put Silverstone crash in 'different light'


Red Bull is hopeful that new evidence introduced to the FIA stewards on Thursday will put the crash between Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton at Silverstone in a "slightly different light".

The two title contenders came to blows on the opening lap of the British Grand Prix, with the pitching Verstappen into the barriers at Copse corner while Hamilton survived to win the race despite a 10-second penalty.

Red Bull has exercised its right to a review of the stewards' decision to penalize the Mercedes after considering that the 10-second sanction was "too lenient".

A case can be reviewed by the FIA if fresh evidence previously unavailable to the stewards is brought to light, and Red Bull motorsport boss Helmut Marko contends that the team's representatives will "bring new facts that were not available to us at the time of the race interruption or when the whole thing was dealt with".

The hearing is set to take place on Thursday afternoon at the Hungaroring.

"Those facts will be brought forward on Thursday, and we hope that that will [result in] a reassessment, because we still think that this penalty was too lenient for Hamilton," Marko said in an interview with German broadcaster RTL. 

The Austrian added that Red Bull's "completely different opinion" regarding Hamilton's responsibility in the collision would be "proven with footage".

"The crux of the matter is that we bring new evidence, new facts," said Marko. "But I can't reveal these details."

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