Alain Prost Q&A: 'F1 just shot itself in the foot!'


At some point, Renault will be forced to decide on its F1 future; the question is when?

Let's talk about Renault: what is the right attitude given their disastrous start to the season?

It isn't easy being an engine manufacturer. When Renault was collecting world championships nobody talked about the difficulties, and now that problems have arisen with its power unit, Renault is heavily criticised...

We've reached the crossroads and now is a good time to think about the future in a different way: remain a supplier, become once again an entrant with its own team, or even leave F1 all together. We're at a low point and it's time to act.

My advice to Renault is to do things differently, on all fronts: technically, politically, management, marketing, everything must be called into question. With what time frame? That's not up to me, but sooner or later, they'll have to follow a specific direction.

You are involved in Formula E through your part ownership of e.dams, and Renault is a partner. Could this be a viable alternative?

It's an entirely new concept, a new form of motor racing which follows the evolution of a product towards electric automobiles. You absolutely cannot compare Formula E with F1. The former is in its infancy while the latter is probably at the end of an era. F1 may draw some inspiration from Formula E in terms of communication, reaching out to the fans and the use of social media.


Triumph in Monaco: Alain has partnered with Jean-Paul Driot to form e.dams, the French Formula E outfit

Here in Monaco, the public discovered Formula E on the Friday with a complete access to the drivers and the cars, which is the opposite of what F1 advocates. That's also something that needs to be questioned by F1, it needs to adapt to the realities of modern media and the habits of the younger generation. A huge undertaking!