F1 teams are regularly sharing their latest projections for the performance of the 2017 cars with Pirelli.
New regulations for 2017 are intended to make cars up to five seconds per lap faster through modified aerodynamics and wider tyres. With the first tests of the 2017-size tyres taking place this week - thanks to Ferrari and Red Bull in Italy - mule cars are being used to simulate the greater loads on the tyres.
Red Bull chief engineer Paul Monaghan says teams have to keep Pirelli informed of their expected performance levels in order to ensure the tyres can be made to a specification capable of dealing with the increased downforce.
"We agreed within the technical regulations meeting that there would be a regular sharing of the teams’ projected 2017 performance levels with Pirelli, which we supply via the FIA," Monaghan said. "I think we’ve submitted two dossiers now to inform them of our projected loads. We’ve since had some more data from Pirelli, we’ve put that into the simulation. That’s gone back to them.
"So, before [2017 tyre testing started], there’s been quite a lot of dialogue on how much load’s in the car. So I don’t think there are going to be any unpleasant surprises.
"I think we’ve got two more data exchanges to have with Pirelli, so I would have said the mechanism in place is one which protects the sport in 2017 as opposed to leaving us free reign to do whatever we want without consultation with Pirelli. So I’m confident we’ll be OK next year."
And Mercedes' Paddy Lowe says the data sharing is required as a result of the way the new regulations were designed.
"I think we are in a bit of a unique situation where the cars get quicker by regulation," Lowe said. "We’ve never done that before.
"What it’s demanded is a greater level of dialogue than we’ve had before between the teams and Pirelli and the FIA to make sure that our predictions are constantly provided, regularly updated to Pirelli, so that they will be working towards the level of performance that we are developing in the cars. So, if that process works I think it should be fine."
Scene at the German Grand Prix
Quotes of the week - German Grand Prix
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