All of the 2015 F1 steering wheels

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1 – ENT (“Dif Entry”): adjusts the differential setting for corner entry; 2 – N/R (“Neutral/Reverse”): puts the car in either neutral or reverse gear; 3 – –/+ (“Multifunction Default Down/Up”): increases or lowers the value for the selected option on the #10 and #11 multifunction rotary dials; 4 – OK: confirms program settings (brake bias, fuel pump, etc.) or selects a specific instance in the data stream for further discussion with the engineers once back to the garage; 5 – BB-R (“Brake Balance Rearwards”): transfers braking force towards the rear brakes in order to avoid locking up the front wheels; 6 – P (unknown function) ; 7 – TRQ (“Torque”): adjusts the torque delivery from the V6 and ERS; 8 – DRK (“Drink Pump”): activate the driver’s drink pump; 9 – MODE: adjusts engine mode (PU performance and fuel management) ; 10 – MF-A and 11 – MF-B (“Multifunction A/B”) : rotary switches used to adjust a series of programs and settings ranging from fuel flow to engine mappings and energy harvest modes; 12 – CLCH (“Clutch”) : adjusts the clutch and sets the ideal bite-point; 13 – TYRE: adjusts different car settings (such as power delivery) depending on whether slicks, inters, or full wets are on the car; 14 – MID (“Dif Mid”) : adjusts different settings for mid-corner and corner exit; 15 – LIM (pit limiter): keeps legal speed in the pit lane; 16 – RAD (“Radio Push-to-talk”) : switches on/off radio transmission; 17 – BB-F (“Brake Balance Forwards”): transfers braking force towards the front brake to alter car balance and prevent rear wheel lock-ups, which can cause spins; 18 – OR (unknown function) ; 19 – BBW (“Brake by Wire”) : adjusts brake balance and the amount of braking effect generated by the ERS; 20 – BW: probably adjusts the clutch.