Radio restrictions are 'a joke' - Vettel

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Sebastian Vettel believes the current radio restrictions in F1 are "a joke" which have little impact on driver performance.

The FIA increased its clampdown on radio communications this season in an attempted to ensured the driver drives the car "along and unaided". With a long list of items which teams are not allowed to discuss, the restrictions came to the fore in Baku when both Lewis Hamilton and Kimi Raikkonen had concerns regarding car performance but the respective teams could not answer their questions.

Hamilton described his situation as "dangerous" as he kept looking down at his steering wheel to try and work out what he may be able to do to resolve the issue, and Vettel has also said he is not a fan of the restrictions.

“Well if you want my honest opinion I think it’s a joke because it doesn’t really change much," Vettel said. "There’s a lot of stuff that you would like to ask and you can’t. Equally I think there is a lot of stuff that the team would like to tell us.

"I don’t think you go any quicker when the team tells you what is going on but yeah the way some people see it, they have a different view. As I said in the end it doesn’t change anything apart from the fact that you have less radio communication to broadcast and I think a little bit less to give to the people."

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